The Laurel and Hardy scenes are magnificent - the other scenes not so.
31 July 2017
"Bonnie Scotland" is well worth seeing for Laurel and Hardy as their scenes steal the film. The scenes involving the rather boring love subplot, weaken the film but that is certainly no fault of Stan and Ollie. I suppose the idea was to help sustain the comedy by having Laurel and Hardy exit the film for minutes at a time, then bring them back for more hilarity. In theory, there is nothing wrong with doing that. However, the subplot in "Bonnie Scotland" could have been better. Stan and Ollie travel all the way to Scotland for the reading of a will after they hear one of Stan's relatives has just deceased. When that doesn't go according to plan, they unwittingly become conscripted into the Foreign Legion. Upon which, all manner of mayhem occurs! I love the dance sequence when our hapless heroes are reduced to clearing up the litter. I think it is both creative as well as being funny. I was delighted to see regular comic foil, James Finlayson make an appearance as Stan and Ollie's drill sergeant! "Bonnie Scotland" wasn't made at the "Hal Roach" studios. Instead, the film was made at "M.G.M" as they had the distribution rights. The production values are rather better than usual but the comedy is still great. Stan and Ollie are on top form and the climax is a delight.
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