Three Loves (1929)
Not a film to long for
31 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Die Frau, nach der man sich sehnt" is a German movie from 1929, so this one is from between the two big wars and it will have its 90th anniversary two years from now. On the poster you can see some of the big names from the cast and you could probably add Oskar Sima too. The director was Curtis Bernhardt and it is among his final German films as he fled the country when Nazis came to Power less than five years later. Writer Ladislaus Vajda is not unknown either and he adapted the Max Brod book for the screen here. The outcome is this 75-minute silent film and of course in the center of it all is Marlene Dietrich and she plays the title character, the woman men yearn for. Sadly, I must say I did not really see anything to yearn for in her performance and/or character and I believe she has made much more of an impression in other works acting-wise. Definitely not a coincidence that this is not only not anywhere near her most known works these days, but almost forgotten and pretty difficult to get a hand on. It is by no means a failure, but never reaches above mediocrity at any point with regards to basically all production components. I for one can only say I am somewhat glad it was a relatively short film as it had some lengths. Only the very biggest silent film fans or Marlene fans can give it a go. Everyone else skip it and they won't be missing much.
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