Shadows: The Witch's Bottle (1975)
Season 1, Episode 3
Folk Horror with interesting mixed elements
1 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really appeals to my sensibilities as it has a rural setting and a feeling of folk- horror. It reminds me of episodes of Thriller or of The Wicker Man in ways. The story works well placing two young children in an isolated setting where the only other human around is mysterious and witch-like. The story combines elements of the occult with witchcraft, folklore and pure utility. It shouldn't work, but it absolutely does. Each of the characters plays their role perfectly, cinematography is great, the pace just right, atmosphere electric. This very nearly top's the season, and certainly is one of the top three episodes of series one. A perfect moment in the episode is the possession of the lead character and her accent change, very compelling. I imagine this would still set a few children behind their seats.
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