EARLY M Monroe
1 August 2017
MM's first or second credited role. She's actually a pretty good actress in this one! A few more years, a few more roles, and she would just walk around and show off the goods after this one. Here, she and her Mom (Adele Jergens) are showgirls. And of course, the featured act is named "Bubbles". We're twenty minutes in, and i'm still waiting for a storyline to begin. Peggy, the daughter, meets the rich and suave Randy (Rand Carroll), but Mom is worried about their future... good ol mom, interfering with her daughter's plans. Jergens actually WAS a showgirl for years, so it turns out she is perfect for this part. Although Jergens looks about the same age as Monroe...(Jergens was only ten years older !), she wears a blond wig to make us think she needs help looking young. Much singing and tap dancing... more than I typically like, but it was GREAT to finally see this film, as its about the only MM film I hadn't seen. Historically, see it for Marilyn, but honestly, the storyline is no big deal. The whole middle part is one big flashback... and we were in it so long, I forgot we were IN the flashback. Is that good or bad ? TCM showed this at 3 am, so was expecting some naughty double entendres, but we WERE still in the film code years, so it's actually pretty tame. Story by the prolific Harry Sauber, towards the end of his career. Directed by Phil Karlson. It's pretty good. and it IS Marilyn M !!
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