A surprisingly good watch
4 August 2017
I chanced upon this movie last week ... on Star Gold Select! Had never heard of the title but with Paresh Rawal and Om Puri in the frame, it seemed like a good choice to watch with nothing better to do at the time. It was indeed.

Road To Sangam is an interesting story, realistically shot, with beautiful cinematography and of course outstanding acting.

I confess that I do not know any more about Gandhi than what one had to per force learn by rote in school history, all long since forgotten. This movie kindled my interest and that alone says a lot for the film!

The last scenes of the truck proceeding slowly to the Sangam and the hordes of people, ordinary people, that came out to pay their respects, was really touching.

Thanks to the film makers for making such a movie which surely deserves a much wider audience. Do watch on the net or when it comes on TV. The 8 is only because it could have been a bit shorter.
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