The Twilight Zone: The Mighty Casey (1960)
Season 1, Episode 35
"I don't know anybody named Joe DiMaggio, sir…"
4 August 2017
Right after the greatest episode of "The Twilight Zone" season one – the downright phenomenal "The After Hours" – regretfully comes one the weakest episodes… "The Mighty Casey" is a rather goofy, childish, uninteresting and tension-free tale about bad baseball teams and sentimental human emotions. In other words, two subject that yours truly doesn't hope to find in his favorite Science- Fiction TV-show. Jack Warden plays the coach of an awfully performing baseball team, the Hoboken Zephyrs, which suddenly sees the opportunity to become successful thanks to the incredible talents of their new pitcher. The reason why odd Casey is such a fantastic player, however, is because he's an emotionless robot. When the foul play gets discovered, Casey's creator proposes to provide his robot with an actual heart in order to make him even more human, but apparently this physical upgrade has a disastrous impact on his pitching performance. I'm having some difficulties identifying the purpose of this episode. If a brilliant scientist like Dr. Stillman manages to build such a realistic robot like Casey, why would he only use it to play baseball with the lousiest team in history? And what's the moral of this tale, anyway? As soon as you follow your heart and show emotions, you can't be successful in life anymore? If so, that's a pretty lousy and discouraging message.
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