Game of Thrones: The Spoils of War (2017)
Season 7, Episode 4
Easily one of the best episodes of the show.
5 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't begin to describe how thrilled I am to see GoT in it's former glory of unpredictability, albeit with some big plot holes. I'll start off with the one big issue season 7 has. Timing. They're literally taking such huge time leaps that it becomes unconvincing, if not too convenient. Dany dropping on High Garden just moments after igniting the sparks between herself and Jon seems unsettling.

But that doesn't mean it wasn't entertaining. Every single storyline was at its best. Just when I thought Ep 3 might be the mid-season peak, Ep4 comes leaking forward. I remember finding myself unable to digest how tables turned upon Daenerys even though she had the strongest case at the beginning of S7. But one must not mistake her silence to be her weakness. But more on that later.

-The episode kicks off with the Tyrell gold being packed off to King's Landing. Jaime is sulking over his dilemmas and learning his lessons like the tragic bad guy that he is.

-Arya returns! Arya has really grown to be one of the most interesting characters this season. Her return to home will leave you teary- eyed. Her fighting expertise was breathtaking. We see another throwback this episode with Arya being turned away by the guards at the gate of winterfell, a lot like she had been at King's Landing back in season 1. Also, let's not forget "Chaos is a ladder", which is not merely a throwback but also a warning to Baelish.

-Bran 's storyline is the only one that seems sloppy to me at the moment. He is the three-eyed-raven. He knows some important facts that he must inform Sansa. He can start with how Baelish betrayed Ned. He is fully aware of how Baelish is constantly trying to get into Sansa 's head. Maybe a little warning would do. I don't see a reason why he needs to wait for Jon's return to do so, except for the reason of packing season finale with every big info possible.

-Jon and Dany is going to happen. Jon is interested, Davos will tell you that. Dany needs some reacquaintance with love. Jon discovers how Dany has been chosen by her people just as much as he has been chosen by his. Both have earned their names.

-Now the best part. Timeline jumps to weeks later and Jaime is lazily taking his troops to King's Landing, unaware of the screamers and fire emitting beasts coming his way. If you thought Hardhome was mesmerising, wait till you see the giant dragon flying through the air with his wings wide open covering a large chunk of screaming Dothraki hordes. This is easily the best battle scene ever directed on Game of Thrones. The amount of CG used on this pays off. Dany alone finishes off half the Lannister army. Thus episodes throws fan armies into battle. Jaime Vs Dany and Tyrions dilemma through all of this shows pretty much how neutral fans must be feeling.

Overall, this episode approaches perfection as much as it could with the minor fixable plot-holes. Hopefully, they will fix the misses soon.

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