Game of Thrones: The Spoils of War (2017)
Season 7, Episode 4
Hell Fire (minor spoilers)
6 August 2017
A tremendous episode! It features a rather interesting and rather intimate moment between Jon and Daenerys. An unexpected and quite entertaining action sequence also occurs between Arya and Brienne. And Jon Snow encounters still another familiar face.

But this episode will mostly be remembered for the simply amazing battle at the end.

The spectacular and horrific battle sequence had me on the edge of my seat. Never have so many of our favorite characters been placed in so much peril-- including the dragon. The epic battle scene was both astonishingly beautiful and shocking as soldiers on both sides fall victim to the cruelty of war from the ground and from the air.

Ironically, in an earlier conversation, Bronn discusses the myth of the 'glory' of war. Unfortunately,his point is suddenly illustrated when he and Jaime suddenly find themselves enveloped in an absolutely terrifying battle which will probably psychologically scar these characters for life-- if they survive:-)
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