Game of Thrones: The Spoils of War (2017)
Season 7, Episode 4
I Will Fight For You
6 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What seemed to start of slow, has now picked up and gotten expectedly great the last few weeks. We knew season 7 was going to have a quicker pace and a clearer purpose, but I didn't expect this much to happen this fast. There have now been quite a few battles this season, and not one of them have seen both sides come prepared. It's going to be interesting to see how things will shake out when both Cersei and Dany have their armies ready. Or maybe because we've gotten so many battles already, the fight for the Throne will be quiet and quick? Unlikely, but I wouldn't put it past Dave and Dan. In all, The Spoils of War was quite the episode.

It's weird to think yet another Stark reunion will take second or third fiddle to the rest of the episode's events, but guys Arya finally made it back to Winterfell! I'm starting to think Winterfell will be the home to quite a few main characters once Jon makes it back and The Hound fights off his demons. Who knows, maybe even Melisandre will make her way to Winterfell. She did tell Arya she'll see her again someday. Anyways, I enjoyed the Arya and Sansa reunion, but not for the reasons I suspected. The tension between them shouldn't be unexpected at all, considering they've never been that close, but for some reason I expected something else. However, seeing Arya begin to train with Brienne was a sight to see. Some really well choreographed sword fighting and camera tricks fooled me, because it sure looked like Maisie Williams was doing all her own stunts.

Bran continues to be a frustrating character. I feel like there could have been a way to portray his transformation into the Three-eyed- Raven a little bit more poignant. Instead, he feels like a monotone creep. Perhaps when he gets that Targaryen secret off his chest he'll cool down. But hey, Littlefinger's Valyrian Steel dagger was passed onto Bran and then to Arya, so I guess his presence was worth it, right?

At the beginning of the episode I wrote down in my notes "when will the tables turn back to Daenerys' side?", well I think I got my answer. After Dany received more cautionary advice from Jon, she decided to take back control of the war by wiping out most of the Lannister army with Drogon and the Dothraki. It's hard to beat the pulse-pounding and emotional 'Battle of the Bastards' last year, but they sure did their best to outdo themselves once again. Everything from the screams of the Dothraki army to the breathtaking cinematography of Dany riding Drogon into battle. Pitting her against Jaime and Bronn made it increasingly difficult who to root for. Perhaps the only downside was that nobody significant died. There was a part of me that thought Bronn may meet his end, or even Drogon/Jaime. Heck, they were teasing a queen-slayer moment for Jaime. Does that give us any hint that Cersei may meet her end that way? Regardless, the tension was masterfully directed. One of the best battles this show has ever given us.

The other main talking point will probably be the increasing romantic tension between Dany and Jon. It may be awkward and weird, but it's not like either of them know Jon's true parentage, so for now it's harmless. For those who doubt the show will ever go that route, I don't think they would have Daavos ask Jon what he thought about her & include Dan and Dave discussing both of their attractions toward each other in the "inside the episode" segment. Whether you like it or not, the show is going that route. Oh and by the way, Dany casually mentions that she will fight for Jon in the war for the dawn. Hell yeah.


+Romantic tension

+THAT battle

+Cinematography & choreography

+Another Stark reunion

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