More of a psychological thriller than a comedy...And It's really bad.
7 August 2017
Cumali Ceber is one of the most despicable movies I've seen in a long time. This movie is being marketed as a comedy but it's really a psychological thriller...for the viewers! I mean it's 2017 and if you still think fart and poop jokes are funny, you should probably throw away every single movie-related thing you own because that's not how it works in our current time.

I went to see this movie expecting it to be awful. And it was! I expected something like 'The Room', a ''too bad that it's good'', movie. But it was just bad. Turkish cinema is at a breaking point right now. Every single pathetic celebrity thinking they are movie geniuses can make a movie in this country, which is a really bad thing for our culture. Halil Soyletmez was a very popular internet personality with a sense of humor of a 10-year-old. Next thing you know, he's making a movie. And he has no clue what he's doing during the whole movie.

This movie is not made for people over 12 years old or with an IQ of over 50. Some bad Turkish movies considered to be the worst (e.g. The Man Who Saved the World a.k.a. Turkish Star Wars) seem like masterpieces next to this movie. It had probably over a 100 poop jokes and really cheap swear words. You can only enjoy this movie if you're deaf and/or blind. There is not one single element to this movie that is slightly remarkable. Halil Soyletmez should burn every copy he can find of this movie if he wants to be remembered as just an internet personality. And that would probably be the best thing to do.

If you consider your movie a ''COMEDY'', at least some of your jokes should work. Not one single joke works in this movie... not one! Lot of the jokes just seemed forced and unnecessary. I don't even want to talk about random celebrity cameos.

Mr. Soyletmez please grant us by not making another movie ever again. Take your 13-year-old fans with you and travel far away to a place where cinema doesn't exist.

P.S. If you see a friend of yours laughing at this movie, ending your friendship would be a great choice!
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