Fargo: The Principle of Restricted Choice (2017)
Season 3, Episode 2
Here we go...
8 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, so after the slightly eased up start of the first episode, we finally have things pacing up. Best thing was how the different plot-lines shaped up, things became clearer. First of all, now we sort of have an inkling as to who the old-man might have been, and I guess my guess in previous episode was wrong. (Thankfully!) Second, we move more into this mysterious Vargas guy and his thugs. One thing about this series is that the villains (Or henchmen, if you may, Mike Milligan and kitchen brothers) are always somehow crafted in a manner, so as to bestow upon them eccentricities largely unseen in the usual right hand men of movies. Rather than being straight- laced killing machines, here they are mixtures of many variants, thus adding a tone of comical horror (Oh! Katyusha after disposing off the lawyer). Another aspect which I loved about this show was the clumsiness which made the sequences realistic and fun in the last season. Some creators want to move their actions as soon as possible, so focusing on little details is oft (the bench cleaning sequence when the twins meet for the apology farce) not much of a concern, rather the focus is on words spoken and action on the screen. Well, this series does seem to focus on small, minute mishaps in real life. They do a couple of things, draw in on character flaws and give an element of realism to interactions and sequences. Esp. the Sy scene was real fun to watch, when he intends to intimidate Ray by bludgeoning his corvette, ends up slipping and slamming some other peoples' vehicles and nearly ending up in a hospital himself. Similarly, the interactions of Vargas with the guard. Both go a long way in establishing their characters. Then, there are the mysteries that still remain, like grand-pa's past and (funny as it may sound and I'm being speculative) the non- functioning of computers (got bugged?) as soon as they try to press enter on "VM Varga". Also, why don't the doors open for the chief? Pretty nice,easy way to lighten up things.
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