Gift of the Magi (2010 TV Movie)
OK film but not one you'd watch again
10 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps I knew the story before, but I don't remember watching or reading it. But I knew the ending almost at the beginning as gifts were being discussed the first time.

That would be fine if watching the whole movie would have added something to the expected outcome. The characters were all nice and likable, but beyond that, there just wasn't that much to pull you in. Even the "cute kid" plot device only helped a little. It seemed like too much screen time was spent watching laundry or car fixing. Actually it probably wasn't that much screen time, but that stands out in my mind along with everyone's very long sad faces and general moping after the "problem" hits. Maybe part of the reason for what I describe is that the movie was adapted from a short story and that's really what it is - a short story.

Too make matters worse, Della and Jim's encounter after they are both induced into going back to their apartment just didn't feel right. There was no trace of anger.

If you don't know the story, watch this film. It's a sweet story.
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