Not bad at all
12 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Although it's a film that many have criticised for having the most ordinary plot imaginable, I found THOR: THE DARK WORLD to be a fairly entertaining film and not deserving of all the criticism. Yes, the plot is predictable and some of the surprise plot twists are anything but, but this is the kind of film that holds the attention through spectacle and effect alone.

Thor and his buddies once again have to team up and go into action, this time against a new menace, led by the singularly unremarkable Christopher Eccleston. Natalie Portman is back, unfortunately, as is her grating comic sidekick, but at least Stellan Skarsgard is around to add a bit of whimsy to the cast. Fan favourite Tom Hiddleston returns, of course, but he still doesn't really appeal to me; I just can't see what all the fuss is about. Chris Hemsworth is better as the dependable hero of the hour. The CGI effects are decent and the climax suitably imaginative, an inter-dimensional fight scene seemingly inspired by Wes Craven's SHOCKER. THE DARK WORLD isn't going to win awards, but it's watchable all the same.
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