Altered Minds (2013)
Yes to Wow Great
12 August 2017
The only reason I found out about this film was because it was listed at the top of my Comcast On Demand in the "A's" I am, quite frankly, surprised that this title has flown under the radar because it's that good. I guess with the ridiculous amount of content out there, it's much harder for strong, solid films to stand out especially when they aren't star-studded. But still, Judd Hirsch is a solid name, no? He's amazing in this film and I wonder why more wasn't made of this performance when he's been laying low from cinema and doing mostly sitcoms.

I will say this much - if you love great suspense and mystery and wonderful acting, give this a chance. It starts off a little slow but once it gets cooking, it's under your skin and doesn't let go. With an ending I felt was every bit as satisfying as THE USUAL SUSPECTS, this movie does deliver the goods of a genre bending thriller in the vein of THE CELEBRATION.

PS....There's a WOW...EMBARRASSING REVIEW which is clearly written by someone who has a lack of knowledge when it comes to true cinematic psychological thrillers. I think this person probably would've written the same lame headline for Hitchcock's REAR WINDOW.
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