Hellboy pest patrol
12 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Hellboy Animated: Iron Shoes" is a pretty short animated movie at 150 seconds, but it delivers a decent deal of story and action within these boundaries. Ron Perlman voiced the character again in this 2007 film that has its 10th anniversary this year. It's probably the trademark role of his career. Anyway, this one has Hellboy hurry to an old castle to take care of an evil monkey creature wearing the iron shoes mentioned in the title. But apart from a solid introduction the creature has nothing to match Hellboy's wit and physical strength. It's a really short fight obviously as this is a really short film and honestly I would not want it any other way. A long battle or fight sequence would hardly have made any sense with the difference in skill between the two antagonists. I think it is a decent watch and give it a thumbs-up. Certainly worth watching if you like or even love Hellboy and/or animation as much as I do. There's not many better ways to spend 3 minutes.
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