One of the Best Yet
16 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After an episode that began to explore the spiritual connections that Aang has as the Avatar, this chapter both clues us in to the connection he has with his past lives and sets a worrying time limit on when Aang must face the leader of the Fire Nation by. Its expansion of the series's lore is fantastic, and the tension that fills the episode pays off spectacularly.

After seeing in a Spirit World vision that he must converse with Avatar Roku in the Fire Nation about a comet, the journey they take is hampered by both a blockade (led by Commander Zhao) and a pursuit by Zuko. The different shrewd tactics used (Zhao letting Zuko through in order to be led to Aang; Zuko secretly diverging course while in the mist) are all well thought-out and fit with the characters' resourcefulness. Upon entering the temple where Roku's statue stands, Team Avatar is met by guards who have betrayed their duty to serve the Avatar, instead declaring their Fire Nation loyalty. A lone guard remains loyal, helping them find the room where Roku's statue is. Sokka uses his smarts to trick the guards into opening the doors and Aang sneaks in. The plot of the show is drastically changed when Roku informs Aang that Sozin's Comet, which comes every 100 years and dramatically strengthens Friebenders' powers, is coming this summer and Aang must defeat the Fire Lord before it is too late. Found by both Zuko and Zhao, everyone else is tied up before one of the best sequences of the show to date begins. The Avatar emerges from the room, but he's taken on the form of Roku, who destroys the temple and causes everyone to flee, saving Katara and Sokka in the process. The animation is incredible, and the moment has gravity, mysticism, and power. While the gang flies away on Oppa, the helpful guard is taken prisoner by Zhao, but his sacrifice was worth it.

Featuring breathtaking animation, moments of real power and gravity, and a tense plot, this is possibly the best episode yet. It continues and expands upon the spiritual themes of the show, gives it a soon-approaching deadline, and is a terrifically done television episode.
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