Superhot (2016 Video Game)
Superhot: A Highly original concept
17 August 2017
Superhot will never win any awards for beauty, with it's red people, white backgrounds and black interactables in fact it's quite ugly in places. The sound is blips and blops but for reasons explained in it's thin plot. But it's the concept that sets it apart from the rest and is really something quite special.

In this unique first person shooter time moves immensely slowly when you are prone and only speeds up when you move or perform an action. This gives you the chance to think about your next move, look around for things to grab, weapons to pick up while new enemies spawn on a timer.

The weapons are highly minimal in that there are only a handful, and truth be told the game has very little content including a very short storymode but honestly it didn't "Need" more.

The levels are fun, addictive and as I mentioned highly original and a joy to play. The wrap around however between stages is quite migraine inducing and really ruined much of the experience for me.

Because of it's concept Superhot overcomes its flaws and is a really enjoyable title but I find myself hoping this is just the start of a potentially amazing franchise. If they iron out this games issues, add a bit more content and pad the game out the next should be even better.

The Good

The concept is genius

Very addictive

The Bad

Very little actual content

Not enough enemy/weapon variety

The wrap around is awful

Things I learnt from this game:

The mind is software

I am being watched

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