The X-Files: Deadalive (2001)
Season 8, Episode 15
"Anybody miss me?"
21 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In any other show, the idea that Mulder is brought back from the dead would sound pretty preposterous. It's actually pretty preposterous here as well, but in the grand scheme of weird things the X-Files is known for, I guess it's not so strange. What is strange is the idea that when Mulder was prepared for his funeral, he wasn't embalmed. Isn't that the only conclusion you can make when he's suddenly revived? I imagine viewers weren't supposed to think about that, but there's one in every crowd like me.

With the return once again of Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea), the guy is doing everything he can to push Skinner's (Mitch Pileggi) buttons. He did a pretty good job of it too, demanding a trade off between Mulder's life against Scully's baby. It sounds like a no-brainer, but I was still surprised to see Skinner making the attempt to pull the plug on Mulder. Fortunately it turned out to be the right decision, but with a positive result. You have to hand it to the writers for making impossible situations seem worthwhile.

There have been some gross scenes during the X-Files run but the one where Billy Miles (Zachary Ansley) takes that shower has to rank right up there among the grossest. It reminded me a little of Jeff Goldblum in the 1986 version of "The Fly", and I have to hand it to the special effects crew for a job well done. Well, as well done as can be expected when watching someone's rotten skin fall away and disintegrate down the drain. I almost couldn't finish my dinner.
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