Miss Ormi Hawley doing especially well in her emotional role
21 August 2017
The author and producer of this picture, George Nicholls, has done some fine work and this offering has more than one charming scene. Nothing could he lovelier of its kind than that picture, just outside Tamandra's door, when Ernestine Morley has found the son (Buster Johnson) of the gypsy and the man she loves, and there are many other scenes as fine, almost. What is more, the picture is very well acted throughout. Miss Ormi Hawley doing especially well in her emotional role as the gypsy, Tamandra. But beyond this, we can not truthfully praise the offering and do not care to repeat the uncomplimentary comments on it that we heard. The photography is almost perfect. It is a two-reel offering. - The Moving Picture World, April 5, 1913
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