Less than mediocre wannabe Monty Python copycat
22 August 2017
Well I have the honor to be the first one to rate this the lowest possible. I was going to rate it with two stars but because there are not much reviews for this movie and they are all super positive it clearly falsify the real score it should get. So the lowest possible for me to try to bring the unjustified high score down. About the movie, which features the comedians from the group "Les Nuls", which by the way means The Zeros in French or also referring as very lousy jokes, you have to be a fan of their humor to really like it. It's absurd stupid humor. I think they are inspired by The Monty Python, that are famous for their ridiculous British humor. But the big difference between Les Nuls and The Monty Python is that The Monty Python are geniuses while Les Nuls are just trying to be funny. I don't think I laughed once during the entire movie while with any of The Monty Pyton movies I can't stop laughing. If you really want to watch a funny French comedy than just watch anything from the comedian group "Le Splendid". Just look it up and watch those movies instead because those ones are actually funny.
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