Review of Alone

The X-Files: Alone (2001)
Season 8, Episode 19
"God, this really is an X-File, isn't it?"
22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Even when he's out, he's in - Mulder, that is, getting involved in an X-Files case when he's no longer an FBI agent. You just had to know he couldn't keep away when something juicy like a reptilian predator was leaving it's hydrolitic enzymes around a victim or two. I thought it was pretty clever of Mulder to use Deputy Kersh's name when he met up with Herman Stites (Zach Grenier). I would have expected more to come of that, but it was a pretty good ploy anyway.

The character of FBI Agent Leyla Harrison (Jolie Jenkins) was kind of interesting. Her naivete was somewhat refreshing as well as troubling, and those allusions to past adventures of Scully and Mulder were a nice trip down memory lane. It didn't seem likely to me that she would have had access to the X-Files case histories as an accountant for the FBI, but for the sake of the story we'll go with it.

That early scene when Scully shares a tender moment with Agent Doggett while packing things up for her maternity leave was very well done. That Doggett had to be even more patient with Agent Harrison was a testament to his professionalism, it showed that he really grew into his role while working those paranormal cases.

But you know what, that was a real gutsy move on the part of Mulder when he told Doggett to shoot at his voice. Perfect timing like that would be pretty dicey in a real life situation, but then again, a real life situation wouldn't present a half human/half reptile antagonist like the creature Stites turned into. Except for the tail, he sort of resembled the Gollum character in "Lord of the Rings", but creepier. Heck, Stites as a crypto-biologist was pretty creepy all by himself.

The show ended with a great, humorous exchange between Scully and Mulder on the finale of the "Fight the Future" movie involving the spaceship in Antarctica. You would have to have seen the film to know what they were talking about, as that story only got passing mention in the TV series.
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