Review of Victims!

Victims! (1985)
Passable rape revenge exploitation trash
23 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Two nasty and sadistic criminal scumbags stalk and terrorize a group of young female geology students on a camping trip in the desert.

Writer/director Jeff Hathcock maintains a gritty'n'sleazy leering tone throughout, delivers a generous sprinkling of tasty gratuitous distaff nudity along with some okay gore, grounds the premise in a plausible workaday reality, and makes good use of the desolate desert main location. Robert Axelrod and Lonny Withers do credible work as the despicable misogynistic psycho creeps. David Essex's plain cinematography provides a suitably rough'n'grainy look. Glenn Baxley's shivery synthesizer score does the skin-crawling trick. Although this film suffers from sluggish pacing and a crippling dearth of tension, it nonetheless remains harsh and effective enough to qualify as a perfectly decent piece of grimy schlock.
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