The Monster Project: Potential turned generic
23 August 2017
I had just high hopes for The Monster Project, I watched the trailer and sat in awe thinking of the potential the movie had and was overjoyed when I found myself with the opportunity to finally watch it.

The concept is fantastic, a documentary film crew going to a "Haunted location" to interview three volunteers who claim to be monsters. We have a supposed vampire, demonically possessed girl and skinwalker and as you can imagine it all goes wrong when they turn out to be real.

The movie starts off okay, introducing the characters and introducing our "Monsters" but as soon as anything actually happens it spirals out of control fast.

What I mean by that is it goes from a great idea to yet another found footage mess. Lots of screaming, lots of shaky cam, lots of predictable jump scares, lots of running away and the obligatory nightvision.

The concept goes out the window and the generic clichéd mess appears and that just broke my heart. What should have been a great film turned into one of the hundred found footage films you can find on Netflix alone.

Go in with low expectations and you might find something, I went in with them high and was sorely disappointed.

The Good:

Great ideas

The Bad:

Generic night vision boredom

Awful protagonist
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