Gun Girls (1957)
Fun Exploitation Drama
28 August 2017
Gun Girls (1957)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Joy (Eve Brent) and Dora (Jacueline Park) are juvenile delinquents who decide to step up their game by buying a couple guns from local hood Joe (Timothy Farrell). Before long the two ladies rob a gas station and then set their sites on something bigger.

If you're wanting a hard-hitting drama that takes a look at how troubled youths can go bad then I'd highly recommend REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. The success of that film pretty much blew the doors down for low-budget filmmakers who could show teens doing bad things and of course paying a price for it. There were countless exploitation movies in the 1950s that had the whole "violent girls" thing going for it and GUN GIRLS is one of the more entertaining ones.

I called the film entertaining but there's no question that it's far from a good movie. The amount of entertainment you take from it will certainly depend on your tastes but me personally, I really enjoyed the film for what it was. This was 67-minute movie with some campy performances, a melodramatic story and a fun nature that at least managed to keep me entertained. There are some campy moments throughout the film but I'd say the biggest laugh comes from them trying to place the film in New York when it's clearly California.

Both Brent and Park (working under different names) are entertaining enough in their roles and at least add some fun to the characters. Of course, the highlight is Farrell who once again plays a chain-smoker who is pretty much kept to one setting for the entire film. You have to wonder if all of his scenes were simply shot in one day with just a couple costume changes to make it look different. I've always had a lot of fun whenever Farrell is on screen during his movies and that is true here as well.
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