The X-Files: Release (2002)
Season 9, Episode 17
"You're done when I say you're done."
30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently Assistant Director Follmer (Cary Elwes) wasn't intimidated by Nicholas Regali's (Sal Landi) threat that the Washington Post would find out about his past corruption should anything happen to the mobster. We'll never know if that information got to The Post, but it hardly matters with the series about to wind up. Regali might just as well have told Agent Doggett that he killed Doggett's son instead of going into that whole 'businessman' story. He as much as admitted it outright.

I thought FBI Cadet Rudolph Hayes (Jared Poe) was a fascinating character, and wished the story had been written without having him come out as a former mental patient. I think it would have been just as effective by qualifying his ability as something of an X-Files case. When the FBI team arrived at his apartment to make the arrest, the disappearance of all his forensic photos seemed like an unnecessary gimmick. The guy actually did have some kind of unique ability.

The inclusion of Robert Patrick's real life wife in the role of Mrs. Doggett was a nice touch. For those reviewers who thought her idea about Doggett getting together with Agent Reyes came out of left field, I would contend that Doggett would have had plenty of time over the course of his partnership with Reyes to inform his ex of her working on cases with him. The murder of Doggett's son took place ten years earlier and both had moved on, but as I surmised in my review of 'Audrey Pauley', his avoidance of a relationship might have been based on something holding him back. In this case it becomes clear that it was Doggett's guilt over not solving the case a decade earlier.

The really uncomfortable moment in this episode occurred when Agent Reyes came right out and accused her immediate superior of corruption when they both worked at the NYPD. But at the same time, that all sounded rather forced, as why would Reyes bring the issue up now and not years earlier when the corruption surfaced? The way that was written seemed rather sloppy. But at least Agent Doggett can finally find some closure with the death of Regali, and a chance at a new perspective on life should he decide to make a go of it with Agent Reyes.
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