Calm Down
30 August 2017
After reading the reviews posted I'm a bit surprised that fans of the show and of Craig Ferguson seem to forget is that it is meant to promote discussion yet the focus seems primarily on the format and how the topics are approached. Rather then point out flaws that don't meet the standards by which you judge the way it should be presented, why don't you get your own friends and have a conversation about the same topic. More then likely someone is going to go for the joke or just try and be funny for the sake of being funny. Even the actual Experts that go on the show have a laugh about it not because its expected, but because there are times in history that are that stupid, even they can have a laugh about it. As far as talking about more major historical events going back thousands of years, get your own friends and discuss it among yourselves, don't expect a TV show to do that for you. Craig said it very clearly but I'll just repeat whats already been said. "Its just a stupid TV show, calm down."
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