Very impressive movie - low budget filmmaking at its finest
5 September 2017
Even if you don't consider just how low budget this movie was, it's still an incredibly impressive piece of work. It's very well scripted and acted and has a very compelling narrative. Also, it looks and sounds absolutely amazing. Unlike a lot of low budget films it's abundantly clear that the filmmakers here understand filmmaking techniques - I've lost count of the amount of low budget movies I've seen in which its pretty obvious that the crew has no idea that they have to place the microphone close to the actors! Or the shot framing and composition is so godawful that it's like watching something your nan filmed. Shadows of a Stranger looks and sound like a movie that cost millions!

I highly recommend checking this one out. And I salute the filmmakers for their professionalism and for getting out there with limited resources and making a movie that they should be very proud of.
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