The Whitest Kids U'Know (2007–2011)
To All The People Who Crap All Over This Show:
6 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yank those long gnarled sticks out of your collective anal retentive anuses (anii?), smoke a damn joint and climb the hell down off your precious high horses for once in your lives.

Sure this show has some dud sketches. Every such show does. Like a certain wise man once said: "They can't all be f***ing masterpieces!" But there's lots of gold in that ore, such as The Deer Hunting Sketch, Two English Guys Pissing, and Little Hitler just to name a few. I can just see all these self-important 'critics' giving this show an absolute thumbs-down; snooty noses all snorty up in the air with their little dumb monocles only magnifying their permanent pouty, sneering expressions as the world is has been so unfair to these little weepy darlings, and this show only serves to remind them of all the non-stuck-up people who are always annoying them with their incessant laughing and cavorting and having a good time instead of solemnly bowing down before their great yet unappreciated insight and impeccable taste and so they sit in their dark corners, forever doomed to be alone and hated, tears and snot perpetually dripping from their quivering scab-encrusted chins.

Anyway, the show's pretty good, give it a look if you get a chance!
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