The Simpsons (1991 Video Game)
Very fond memories of this classic side-scrolling crazy beat em up and what is possibly the one good Simpsons game!
8 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I actually only ever played this hectic old style beat em up a handful of times years ago when we'd all go for day trips to a seaside amusement park place in the summer and I always made sure to seek out that had it while I was there, until it was gone one year.. Anyway I remember loving it, it was an amazingly fun little blast to play for a young fan of the show, the colourful familiar faces and locations and even a little of the original voice actors made it really feel a lot like the world of The Simpsons. Looking into it now I see that the little courtesy 'story' of the game is completely nonsensical to the nature of the series, which at that point was about midway into its second season and had yet to really hit its stride and wonderful golden age. Also the characters in the few cut scenes look slightly off model - then again, everyone looked off model in those earliest seasons! I also remember the game being rather difficult to get very far into when playing it solo without dying..but it was so addictive that you just wanted to start right over again and do better. I remember that you could choose between Homer Bart Lisa and Marge and that they each had their own styles of brawling, I tended to mainly play Marge because the way she furiously brandished her vacuum cleaner was good for vanquishing the endless hordes of goons! I would have so loved to have had a port of the game on my SNES as a kid. People may laugh at it for how it looks now and I've seen playthroughs and yeah it does show its age but you shouldn't judge an old game by today's standards, but should try to appreciate it for what it was. I think it still looks fun to play and deserved to be remembered as an arcade gem of its era. Simpsons game magic at its sweet classic zaniest! X
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