It Doesn't Come at Night: Good movie ruined by title
9 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a well-shot, well-acted low-budget paranoid psychological thriller with horror elements. Had it have been entitled something less misleading than 'It Comes at Night', I would have given it 8, possibly 9 stars out of 10. So why can't I give it 8, or 9 stars out of 10? Well, because absolutely NOTHING comes at night.

Oh I'm sure the director has a million clever little excuses to explain the fact that they lied to get people to watch this movie, by selling it as something it wasn't. I am equally sure that they are all disingenuous justifications, and that they deliberately gave their slow, but very well-made film a misleading title in order to trick people through the doors of the cinema into watching it.

I like films like this, I have plenty of patience with films that are slow-paced, but well-acted, as this one is. I like ambiguous films where the motivations of characters are unsure, and their situation not clear. I would have liked this movie so much more if I hadn't been sitting through it waiting for 'it' to come at night.

I cannot overstate how much this misleading title ruined my enjoyment of the film, or how annoyed I am that an otherwise enjoyable, slow-paced indie thriller, was ruined by money-men who didn't have enough confidence in their own film to let it stand on its own merits.

Good film, as long a you don't get fooled by the title.
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