Marjorie Main about steals this one.
11 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This unusual comedy is a hybrid between an Abbott and Costello comedy, and a Ma and Pa Kettle comedy, lacking only Percy Kilbride as Pa. Marjorie Main(Ma) wants to remedy that deficiency by grabbing Costello as her new Pa(What a disaster that would be!). But, he's not willing to make that sacrifice, although thanks to a bogus murder conviction, he's responsible for the welfare of her family(7kids!) and any unpaid debts of the deceased, unless she marries again.

Meanwhile, Lou is elected sheriff of Wagon Gap, Montana, mainly because everyone knows that if they should kill him and be convicted, they would be saddled with Lou's responsibilities to Marjorie's family. (Question: Why wouldn't such a person be responsible for Lou's non-existent family rather than Marjorie's? Presumably, because they would be responsible for both, since, at that time, Lou was responsible for both). Whereas, before Lou was being pushed around by everyone, now, as sheriff, he has the courage to be bold and bossy.

A&C steal a buckboard and plan to head for California: their initial goal. But Marjorie had read their minds, and chased them on horseback. Eventually, Lou falls off the buckboard ,down a steep slope, landing on top of a gold-carrying stage in the process of being held up. He quickly grabs the reigns and speeds off, with Marjorie still chasing him. She recognizes some of the men as members of the gang led by saloon-owner Jake Frame, who eventually admits guilt for the murder A&C were sentenced for.

Abbott tells the judge(George Cleveland) that Marjorie stands to become wealthy soon, as the railroad wants some of her property to run a line. Abbott told this fib to hopefully induce the judge to propose to Marjorie, which he does. But, he's turned down, as Marjorie still prefers the idiotic Lou. Word gets around about this development, and suddenly men are no longer afraid of killing Lou(Why)? Because if they kill him and become responsible for Marjorie's family, she could then take care of herself, and perhaps he could marry her and more fully share her wealth.)

There follows a gun battle between A&C plus the honest citizens, vs. the outlaws. Lou and company eventually prevail(I thought Lou previously collected all the guns in town?). The judge again proposes to Marjorie, and she accepts, provided Lou is still not interested in her. He isn't. Abbott tells all that the story that Margaret will soon be rich via the railway is bogus. But... See the film to learn the rather obvious finale.

Familiar-looking George Cleveland well played the non-too competent judge. He held the trial for A&C in the town saloon.....William Ching played Jim Simpson, who was the leader of the honest citizens of Wagon Gap, and boyfriend of Juanita(Audrey Young), the oldest of Marjorie's children.... Gordon Jones played Jake Frame, head of the criminal element and saloon owner... Marjorie makes this film special, usually upstaging the others around her. Her style of humor isn't easy to describe, and is quite different from A&C's.

A&C engage in a routine based upon a slightly different version shown in "Here Come the Co-eds", which involved a live oyster in Lou's soup. Here, it's a frog, which keeps hopping back and forth between Lou's and Abbott's soup, with Abbott never seeing it, busy reading the paper. Quite funny.

I heartily recommend this film for fans of A&C, as well as fans of Marjorie.
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