Life is not all funny cat videos
11 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ted (Matthew C. Vaughan) puts on a cat costume and appears to be randomly killing people, for reasons that are revealed later, or sooner if you read Amazon's description. Claire (Shian Denovan) is raped and her Internet sensation cat is killed by her rapist. She needs support for the lost of her cat. Here is where she meets Ted.

The film is strangely different. The sound track is off-beat and at times is annoying as in during the dorm killings. Perhaps the theme of the film is that the lost of a pet is a reason for not having one. This film is not for everyone and is on the "concept" side of filming, but not really an art film, just bizarre. Winner of 2015 Best Australian feature, director and actress at A Night of Horror International Film Festival. The film had a few good scenes, some that didn't work, and others that were downright bizarre like the dorm killings and that whole long sequence near the end.

Guide: F-word, sex, rape,, nudity (Danae Swinburne, Shian Denovan)
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