The Dead Room (2015)
A Special Kind of Horror Cringe
15 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't normally rate movies this low in general because I can usually find at least one positive thing about it. This one not so much. It just..well.. simply sucks. If you read the IMDb plot description of this movie it says, "When a terrified family flees a desolate southern New Zealand farmhouse, two cynical scientists and a young psychic are sent to investigate their claims of a haunting." I'm glad it says that because the movie kind of just starts as the team is at the house. Without having read the description, no one would have even had a clue that there was even a terrified family in the first place that fled. Much less that they had even sent a team to investigate. It just starts as them unloading the car at the place with not much of a reason about how they got there in the first place.

The first 45 minutes is just wasted time. Nothing really going on, nothing happening. It was very boring to even sit and pay attention to and I had to fight the urge to turn it off by playing solitaire. You would expect to at least like one character in hopes that they could at least have some good dialogue going on at the beginning, but the actors are so poor that they bring nothing to this horrid film. The girl is OK, but the men are so bad that it makes you cringe to hear them speak.
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