Night Club (II) (1989)
stop Clubbing it!
17 September 2017
This movie caused me considerable drama. I saw it donkey years ago, but had forgotten virtually everything, and the only clue was "dual personality Lisa/Beth" when I turned to I Need To Know for help last year. Thank you, Star-Core!

Movies by mad people for mad people. In that category, NIGHT CLUB scores highly. It is a highly effective showcase for the beauty of Elizabeth Kaitan who appears in a dual role.

Look, I am not saying it's a wonderful movie, don't get me wrong. But everybody else (except Mr. Woody Anders) is UNFAIRLY giving it the short end of the stick. This is a misunderstood movie with a misnomer of a title. It is actually a small-scale psychological thriller, with, of course, a good measure of exploitation thrown in. In the shape of Elizabeth Kaitan, who is simply adorably marvelous, and anybody saying any different is just sour-grapes envious. For Elizabeth is A+ 100% super-fine, a dream-girl straight from the Dream Factory, wow.

Look, it's an unlikely movie, and admittedly unseemly, but Elizabeth Kaitan is a contender for One Of The Prettiest Girls On Film EVER!

At first I thought "Shattered Glass" but this movie should have been called "Wildest Dreams" because this Nick guy is in limbo between wishful fantasy and a reality he can't keep up with. Which is why so many reviewers are irked by the wishy-washy male lead.

Don't dismiss it simply because you don't understand it. This guy's pretty wife left him, and as his only keepsake of her, he is left with a videotaped recording. Being a dreamer, he turns her in his mind to his ultimate fantasy girl, then, weak-willed as he is, gets delusional, and sees his dream become reality, only this dream is not meant for love, being totally devoid of loyalty. In other words, what you see as the movie here, most of this happens in Nick's mind, Nick is coo-coo and haunted by the memories of a lost love.

Well, that's my interpretation.

The movie has an escalating level of being explicit in regards to on-screen intimacy. The bare breasts getting pawed, must have been an afternoon's work to get it filmed. Imagine! Decades ago, I found it harrowing to watch. While a blue movie has no emotion, this one has it in spades. Makes it all the more controversial. Forget about Sharon Stone in BASIC INSTINCT. This one gets truly explicit. I've yet to see anything quite as hands-on like that scene in a mainstream movie...

...and anything similar in a blue movie would lack the impact it has here. Because of Elizabeth's acting, the girl is very real.

Summed up, this flick truly delivers to a flesh connoisseur's delight. Prime rib. Grade A. Succulent and juicy.

I damn well bought the DANGEROUS BABES box-set to get to this title, and believe me, there are SOME REAL STINKERS in that one, and then some people have the temerity to say that NIGHT CLUB is "the worst I've ever seen?" Elizabeth is a Grade A classy beauty, and I could watch rolls and rolls more. Do read Mr. Woody Anders's review again, those are the valid complaints, yes, the male lead* gives off a weak vibe.

*Then again, the male lead, Nick Hoppe, was THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION! This is his dream here, he got it filmed, and it led to the casting of this beautiful angel- faced girl... she is pure music......

.....people, I may be a fool, but I know what I like!
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