Buying Hawaii (2013– )
Scary Hawaii Real Estate
17 September 2017
I just found this program and watched 6 episodes and if I did not have any experience of Hawaii and its islands at all, I found myself not wanting to buy Hawaii Real Estate or visiting Hawaii at all. Wild boars, termites, centipedes, lava, earthquakes, rail, tsunamis, little food, outhouses, sumps, banks that will not FUND a mortgage in certain areas (pssst, the areas they are showing!) ...and folks willing to risk life, family, children to buy a home there. Really?!?! I know people with families who have owned property for decades in various places in Hawaii and never have I heard of such disasters! Make no mistake, no matter where one chooses to live there are going to be "natures" problems -- and Hawaii has Islands and land that is still developing. It is not the mainland so yeah, things are going to be exported to it and it will take time to get it, but this program gives you the creepy-crawlies/itchy-witchies and turns one completely off of Hawaii as a place to settle in. And not just that, those who buy any of these showings, you wonder -- "what the HECK are you thinking?!?!" I cannot speak about the 'mispronunciations' of Hawaii destinations claimed as I was too busy wondering what the heck --just what is the program trying to show? It's not positive and sometimes it's good to "see the other side", but this has been downright negative and Hawaii and it's island real estate offerings, good and bad, deserve much better.
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