This must be the most undisciplined ship in the entire ocean!!
17 September 2017
The episode features a plot element that is disturbingly stupid...the disgruntled crew member. Now, considering that the Seaview is supposed to be the most advanced sub in the world, you'd think it would have a top crew. Instead, so far in the series this is the fourth or fifth time that one of the crew goes berserk...and this is only episode 10! In this case, a seaman brains the officer on duty and cracks his skull open...and the ship ends up straying into a minefield. As a result, the sub sinks...and not in a good way! The ship is now stuck on the bottom and it looks as if they're all going to die. All this because the crew is filled with unprofessional chuckle-heads! Hopefully the Admiral has learned his lesson and will stopping manning his ship with guys on the work release program from prison...or so it would seem.

Now if the show had just used this cliché one time in the show, it would have been bad enough. But another sailor (George Lindsay) was also a mutinous jerk-face and both these guys really took me out of the show and seemed like examples of bad writing. Apart from all that the show IS tense and interesting. Overall, a bit of a letdown for me.
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