Breaking the not viewing rule
18 September 2017
You could just pass this off, as another 80's teen T and A Porky's type movie of straight to video status, but boy, you're in for surprise, if you give this one a chance. The movie, not badly made, mind you, is a lot of fun, like the fun park, our young good looking foursome end up at. Truth: part of the film's magic, rests in the head actor's shoes, that of Carl Marrotte as Jack. He has such great, winning personality and irresistible charm, you'd almost want to meet the real actor in a person, or watch him in other movies. Working as a cleaner at a local amusement park, with no time to sleep and one more day of freedom, before high school kicks back in (God, how times have changed where teens were played by older looking actors) he coaxes his best friend to come with him, yeah, back to the amusement park, where on the way, they fall for two hotties, first not really matching. They do a preferred swap, a roller coaster ride/feeling up scene, earlier on in the peace you could say it's titilating, if one sided. Prior, these three, well two, if you want to get more technical, brainless dolts, thieves rip off a diamond, where the other one of higher IQ, but still really pathetic, stashes the diamond, in one of these teddy bears, which Jack's friend David wins it after having a game, with his new found love. Even the thieving characters are so much fun, larger than life buffoons, who prove no much for our young likable four, who you actually get to know and really care. Another hit, is the title song. BTR is one of those overlooked films, a jewel in the rough, if you pardon the pun. Both girls are such cuties, Angie, the cuter one, even offers us an open CU t and A shot, as she frankly checks herself out. You question was that image really necessary? I think "Yes". Fun from start to finish, a cute little, sexy dream, sequence of better days for Jack, opens the film. One qualm. Why didn't the thieves just run off later with the diamond while taking refuge in one the stars, instead of hiding it inside the t.v? Well, we wouldn't have a movie, or such a fun and entertaining film that exists, back in ol' 85.
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