Keep Quiet (I) (2016)
Powerful Documentary of A Conversion
18 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was genuinely moved to tears in this unusual documentary of an Hungarian far right white supremacist Anti-Semite, who gets elected to Parliament and then learns his grandmother was Jewish, hence he is Jewish. But since he is inclined toward extremes, he then becomes an Orthodox Jew, including Bar Mitzvah and Circumcision, and visits Auschwitz. The question of how permanent this conversion will be is not known, as it is too recent to tell. The issue that I find so hard to understand is how so many people can act like they chose what they are, and thus feel they have more rights than other racial or religious groups. We are all accidents of birth, and should only be judged by our behavior, not our race or national origin. Very thought provoking and touching story that needs to have a larger audience. It reminded me of an EC comic story in the 50's where a white racist finds out he has a mixed black neighbor and tries to drive him out of his neighborhood, eventually leading the neighbor to commit suicide, only to find out he himself had his life saved by a transfusion from a black man. Too bad some need to have this kind of experience to realize how ignorant they have been behaving.
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