A Ghost Story (2017)
Ripping off a boring dull craptist like Andrei Barfofsky
21 September 2017
This director tried so hard to rip off that sack of Russian craptist, Andrei Barfosky. There was another craptist called Alejandro Inarittu who tried to copy Barfosky with The Revenant and that was a slow, boring, technically pandering piece of crap too. This here is no different. Long takes, static shots, really bad cinematography, and just ugly like every Barfosky movie. What do we get in a world full of overpraised craptist like Emmanuel Lubezki, Andrei Barfosky, Ingrid Bergman, Alejandro Inarritu, or the king of sack of them all, Hitchcock? We get pretentious cinema, nothing more. All their movies suck and this one sucks just the same.

0/10 like every one of their films.
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