Twin Peaks: Cooper's Dreams (1990)
Season 1, Episode 6
one of the first season's finest
29 September 2017
This is a classic and quality season one episode of Twin Peaks. There is plenty of mischief and mystery running rampant and it never skips a beat. While not nearly as odd as many later episodes, it still incorporates a fair share of quirkiness and surrealism. The arrival of the Icelandics provides some wacky humor, and the offbeat, yet heavily engaging (and essential) sequence with the Log Lady is amusingly weird, awkwardly funny, and extremely revealing. The Log Lady is, of course, a fan favorite, and this episode really lets her and her unique (to say the least) personality really shine in what is easily the best and likely the most iconic moment from this particular installment (the Leland crying/dancing sequence later on comes close, though). And, to top it all off, two huge cliffhangers are presented at the very end, making even rewatchers, such as myself, hungry and eager for more!
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