Unforgettable Movie
1 October 2017
Who knew such innocent words, like I want to watch a movie, would lead to scenes I'll never ever never forget in my life. I'm not recommending this movie to anyone, because if I do, and you think it's horrible, you will think I'm twisted for liking it. In my defense, I haven't really been watching movies for years, maybe this is how they are all made these days Out to shock you as much as humanly possible I went into this movie knowing absolutely nothing about it. And I had to close my eyes and cover my ears more than once. And I'm pretty tough when it comes to things like that. It was rated really low on IMDb And I understand why. The acting was laughable. The lines were completely stupid at some points. It tries way too hard to be an old western, but I think that was part of the point. Even the film style looked like an old one. So you literally felt like "oh I'm just watching an old film like my dad would have watched." "And look, there's Clint Eastwood's daughter, isn't that sweet." But it's definitely not sweet. And I absolutely loved it.
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