Django's Crap Price Crap Show
5 October 2017
Django's Cut Price Western more like! I don't know why Demofilo Fidani gets the label of 'the Italian Ed Wood' when folks like Luigi Batzella were producing crap like this. At one point a stagecoach rides right past a modern car! Every single thing about this film screams 'cheap and half-arsed'. Plus, this is from the director who would give us nazisploitation films Achtung! The Desert Tigers and The Beast In Heat, so if you've watched them (unlikely) you'll know what to expect here.

Django arrives in town just as the most terrible bar fight committed to film is taking place at a local taverna. Some big fellow is throwing people around and while the only other customer is sitting at a table playing cards, Django pitches in and helps the guy. I think most people would have let the bad editing, terrible acting and even worse stunt work help them decide that this film was kack and switch it off, but not me. I'm too dumb for that.

Django is trying to track down the Cortez brothers for reasons known only to himself while the other guy is also trying to track them down to retrieve gold that has been stolen, not ten seconds after this one of the Cortez brothers turns up, only it's obvious to all that the dude is a lady (even though this is revealed later, no clear explanation is made for why this is happening in the first place). More crap happens and… etc…

Pish poor in every department, from the aforementioned car in the background to it all looking like it was filmed in someone's back garden, to the crappy editing to characters seemingly changing position between shots, to the deplorable acting of the captive gringo lady, and worst of all the almost complete lack of gunfights for the entire duration of the film, this is about as bad as spaghetti Westerns get. It's still better than the Beast in Heat though!
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