Space Raiders (1983)
A Desperate Attempt to ride the skirtales of Star Wars' Success
5 October 2017
This movie is a desperate attempt to ride the skirt tales of the success of the Star Wars movies. The film uses recycled footage from "Battle Beyond the Stars" which is another Roger Corman Sci-Fi Turd, but at least this one is better than "Battle Beyond the Stars" - there is no real acting in this film (but its a Roger Corman film-What did you expect)again the entire soundtrack was done on a Keyboard/Synthesizer, the sound effects are recycled from "Battlestar Galactica" - there are no special effects because they were recycled/rearranged space scenes from another movie, the costumes look like something right out of 1981 salvation army salvage. --ironically, the little boy in this film gives one helluva performance, and he'd resurface again to star in the Sylvester Stallone movie "Over the Top" - I give this movie 3 stars out of 10
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