Review of Safe House

Safe House (2015–2017)
"Safe House".....Not.
6 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Quite obvious that Brits have a very low standard as to what a Safe House is. Perimeter Sensors, hardwired Motion Detection Video Surveillance Cameras with night vision internal and external to the Safe House, Bars on the windows releasable from the inside, interior steel shutters, steel doors and door frames painted and textured to look like wood, interior steel bolts for all doors, a large "Safe Room" with air filtration, Panic Buttons to call the Local Police, Loud Sirens, emergency radio communications with the antenna well away from the Safe House to prevent jamming, one foot diameter concrete posts to prevent vehicles (car bombs, truck bombs)from getting close to the Safe House, Water Reservoir located in the roof tied into a water sprinkler system with a poison detector, storage room with weeks worth of water, food, emergency medical equipment and weapons connected to "Safe Room" by airtight steel door, Electric Generator inside a air tight room exhaust goes outside either to the roof or high enough to prevent tampering a separate air intake hidden on the roof as a minimum.

And an even lower standard as to who and how the Safe House is run. The persons running the Safe House would have already had experience as "Safe Housekeepers" like those that Run the CIA's Safe Houses, British MI Safe Houses.

Before even going to the Safe House the "Guests" would surrender all their Cellphones, Smartphones, radios, and scanned to see if they have any kind of radio frequencies emitting from them or anything they have. The "Guests" would arrive in a Van without windows, they would wear hoods, the Van would be old and not have any computers that also have GPS or optional Tracking (most Vehicles after 2000 have Tracking even if not visible). So that even if they contacted the outside World they could not reveal were the Safe House is located. Before Guests arrive the Safe Housekeepers lock their Cellphones, Smartphones into a 100% grounded steel safe, and start using "Burner Phones" that had the GPS circuit cut. All Guests wear transponders that do not transmit on the same frequency and have limited range. The computer with internet access uses multiple proxy servers. "Guests" are tucked in at Night each room has their own bathroom, snacks and a mini refrigerator, the doors have sensors to alert the Safe Housekeepers if "Guests" have left their rooms, opened windows.
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