Extinct (2017)
Not perfect, but still excellent as a family focused Sci-Fi
6 October 2017
When I saw the ads for this, I was thinking... oh this is going to be dumb. Luckily for me they proved me wrong, I am hooked on this show and can't stop watching. Now listen, I am not a die hard sci-fi fan nor do I know every sci-fi show's story plot. Why you might say? I love sci-fi! It is great, but a lot of the shows have not been very family friendly because they had more swearing than I was comfortable with and were far too violent or gory. This show is the perfect fit for me and my family. It is entertaining, has a good hook and is fun to watch for the whole family. The production is not perfect, but I still love it because the story is so engaging and I am not distracted by swearing, gore or horrific scenes. I can understand why some people don't like it because other sci-fi shows may have done some of the same things, but for someone like me who does't get to watch all those shows I really enjoy this one :) Two thumbs way up from me!!! I have watched 5 episodes so far and have to restrain myself from watching more.
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