Friday the 13th Part VIII Jason Takes Manhattan: Not the blotch I'd heard but still pretty meh
7 October 2017
I'd been told from multiple sources that Jason Takes Manhattan is a weak link in Jasons legacy. Though hardly impressive I'd say its no worse than many of the others.

Finally taking Jason away from the camps we see the majority of the movie take place on a ship with it's perhaps last third in the bustling city of New York.

Same cut away deaths, same lack of storyline, but same Friday 13th charm. Also Kane Hodder is Jason so that's an immediate win right there.

I do have to ask, what is it with Friday 13th and inconsistencies and poor endings? This one is no different and I feel like I could rant about it for an hour but will resist the urge.

Jason Takes Manhattan is a worthy addition to the franchise even if the events that transpired in the finale are not explained in part 9.

The Good:

Kelly Hu

Kane Hodder

Refreshing new setting

The Bad:

Why'd they have to kill off such a great character so early?

Ridiculous ending

Weak deaths
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