Review of Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman (2017)
Ridiculously bad
14 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie could only surprise me in a good way, as from the poster and various images I had a pretty bad feeling about it and wasn't expecting anything great, yet it somehow managed to be even worse than I imagined. Not only does it have the typical shortcomings of all those same shitty adaptations, but it desperately tries and fails to submit a feminist icon.

Let me introduce you to Wonder Woman.

Coming from an island of women only, a man has to show her how to behave in the real world. He also makes sure she's not too much distracted by cute babies or wounded soldiers she wants to help. When she tells about some bizarre God stuff, the man needs to filter out the bullshit and convert it to an actual goal. When she's making a big scene because too much violence in this world and peace is better than war, the man needs to calm her down. She wakes up from a night in a basic boat, her mascara perfectly made. She enters the battlefield like she entered a fashion podium, in slow motion please. She charges at a bad guy, destroying the bell tower of a church, creating a havoc full of dust and dirt, but her hairstyle is still up to an advertisement for a shampoo. She's trained to fight with a sword, but her costume leaves most of her skin uncovered for some reason.

When one tries to make a feminist movie, one should ask oneself how many 14-year-olds will pause in the middle of a dramatic scene to fap to the lead character, because that's what happens when the focus is on sexiness of costume design rather than on depth of character development. Maybe choosing Zack Snyder as the writer, author of Sucker Punch, were a group of girls looking like dolls fight a bunch of Nazis, wasn't such a great idea. The power that Wonder Wonder holds in the movie is purely physical. This is not what feminism needs. Where are the scenes where WW has a brilliant idea, takes a game-changing decision (apart from what starts the movie), or gain deep respect from her peers? There is none.
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