Judge Faith (2014– )
Where Is the Faith?
16 October 2017
My chief quibble with Judge Faith is her many times being both a broken record & herself telling the litigants their information instead of asking them (paraphrase examples: "And you're from City/State X" or "You started working in Month/Year X"). Otherwise I like her, she isn't a haughty diva w/attitude to burn or ear-busting LOUD like Lauren Lake (who though good is even more of a (long-winded) broken record). Once when a real annoying defendant decided to walk because she couldn't take the heat of Judge Faith's reality check & she shot back, "(N)o one's happier to hear that than me," me & the gallery both clapped through the end credits. Those who don't like her, well that's on them; maybe they'd enjoy Byron Allen's Five Foolish Fakes instead.
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