Middle Man (2016)
Plot Hole City
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not very good, not very funny, and worst of all is riddled with the laziest plot holes I've ever seen.

He has a rule about not picking up hitch hikers but decides to break that rule... why? This guy acts like a psycho, plus he watched him get into a transport truck that is later abandoned at the side of the road with the doors wide open and the driver's boot in the middle of the highway. That is just a stupid leap.

When he stops at the gas station in his 1953 car wearing a 1953 suit listening to 1953 comedy with his 1953 attitude and way of speaking (we get it already he's old fashioned!)... the guy fills the car up. You can't just fuel up a 1950's car with gas from a station today! Fuel back then was leaded so you need to add lead to it nowadays. Or I guess we're supposed to believe this station is the last one in the world that has leaded fuel available at the pumps? The car would have broken down.

The gas station attendant tells him he's 200 miles from Las Vegas that night. So he drives until morning... then continues to drive into the next night... and he's still not in Vegas. How slow is he supposed to be driving, like 5 miles an hour? At least say he got lost or something. Nothing in this movie makes sense. Did no one read this script over or did this guy just fart out a first draft and immediately shoot it?

What comedy club starts with the headliner then has the open mike amateurs come up after? Also all of the stand up jokes are awful so why is anyone laughing at them and how is this rat tail guy a hit? Also the headliner headlines every single night? In this town with a population of about 20? And the club is always packed? Oh my goodness what a stupid, stupid script.

The characters aren't even developed. Other than being stuck in the 1950's we know nothing about the main character Lenny. His mom dies with debt then he decides to drive to Vegas and become a famous comedian, why? Why did he wait that long? Why now? Why does he want to do comedy at all?

Even the minor characters make no sense. The heckler who harassed Lenny offstage then has Lenny/the hitch hiker sneak up behind him in the alley while he's peeing, holding a tire iron... and instead of running/yelling/defending himself he says "now that's funny." What's funny? That you're obviously about to get your head bashed in? Once again, no one in the world acts like that. There's a complete lack of logic here.

Lenny digs a super deep hole but the body doesn't fit in because it's arms and legs stick out so he cuts the limbs off... so he was already willing to dig a six feet deep hole but found it easier to cut limbs off out in the open than to just widen/lengthen the hole? Or hey how about folding the arms/legs in?

A police officer pulls over two suspicious men - one of them being covered head to toe in blood - and then starts doing IMPRESSIONS? Really? I bet the writer thought that was super duper hilarious, but once again, way too removed from reality to work. If you're going to do ridiculous, outside logic comedy then don't set it in the real world.

The cop gives them a police escort to the comedy show (for some reason) where he watches Lenny, still covered in blood, go on stage and get big laughs talking about how he just killed the heckler (who is noticeably missing), cut him up and buried him (with Lenny covered in dirt and blood)... and the cop doesn't put two and two together? Lenny goes every night and just describes how he murdered their latest victim and nobody ever figures out it's real? And instead of getting old it just gets more and more funny? He becomes a headliner after three shows even though he bombed and was booed off stage in the first show? This movie takes suspension of disbelief to an unacceptable extreme.

Why is the waitress in this town two days drive away the same waitress as in the diner he already stopped at previously? Did the writer just think that first scene was so darn funny he'd just use her again? Does she drive a commute of two plus days to earn that three bucks an hour at a dive bar in an equally small town?

If this movie is a comedy, it fails. If it's a drama, it fails. If it's supposed to be absurdist or anti-comedy, it fails. It's also nowhere near being a fantasy. What is this movie supposed to be and how on earth is it rated higher than 5 out of 10?

One of these guys dresses like a 1980's lounge lizard with an odd goatee, the other is obese and dresses like a 1950's Drew Carey. They're both in a 1953 car that sticks out in the middle of nowhere. They both wear Groucho Marx glasses. So how is it hard for the police to track these guys down immediately?

One of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. This review is much longer than I intended but that's obviously just because I feel angry that this movie would waste my time and insult my intelligence so much.

The only reason I give it a 2 instead of a 1 is that the guy playing Lenny is a decent actor, and the hitch hiker is at least average. All the supporting characters are just terrible.
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