State Fair (1962)
Family Fair Frolic
23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Fans of Rogers and Hammerstein found the duo writing music strictly for a film the first time with STATE FAIR. Not this version but the second version of the tale which was originally based on a bestselling novel in 1933. Their first version of the film came out in 1945 and was successful enough that it was remade in this version in 1962. By that time Oscar Hammerstein had passed away so Richard Rogers wrote additional songs for this version on his own.

The story moved from Iowa to Texas this time and follows the Frake family as they head out to that yearly all-American event known as the state fair. Father Abel Frake (Tom Ewell) is determined that his prized pig Blue Boy is going to win top prize. Mother Melissa (Alice Faye) is entering her prized mincemeat in the fair. She's told the family she won't taint the mixture with brandy but each one pours just a little in as they get the chance with hilarious results later.

As for the children of the family Margy (Pamela Tiffin) is a young girl with dreams of romance on her mind. She finds her steady beau a bit boring and longs for something more exciting. Wayne (Pat Boone) has his eye set on winning the car race there having worked on souping up his car for months. A rivalry that kicked off before still stands and he hopes to take away top prize this year.

The family heads out and sets up camp in a trailer park established for regular fair goers. Along the way Margy meets a TV announcer named Jerry Dundee (Bobby Darin) who's looking to have some fun with a young girl just like her but nothing serious. Wayne's eye is caught by Emily Porter (Ann-Margaret), a young dancer who is part of the entertainment at the race track. By the end of the film both brother and sister will discover who they really are and what the true meaning of love is.

The movie is the old fashioned style with a family friendly atmosphere throughout. This even includes the resulting inebriation of the judges after tasting Melissa's mincemeat. It's played for laughs instead of drama. The romances of all involved are conveniences for the movie, like many did at that time. Cases of love at first sight are rare if at all but here they flourish.

The music is what makes the film and the songs the famous duo came up with were as good as anything they'd written before. Two standouts were "It's a Grand Night for Singing" and "It Might as Well Be Spring". Both work well into the storyline being portrayed here.

The movie may be too much of a throwback to the days when it was released for most to enjoy but for those of us who grew up watching films like this it's a treat. Sometimes it's nice to take a break from the dark dramas that we're offered these days and enjoy something as simple as, well, a state fair.

Twilight Time offers the film in the best way possible as always with a clean and crisp print. Extras include an isolated music track, an audio commentary track with actor Pat Boone, the featurette FROM PAGE TO SCREEN TO STAGE, the TV pilot for the proposed TV series and the original theatrical trailer. The release is the usual Twilight Time total of just 3,000 copies so if interested buy yours today.
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